Learn & Work

Communication and Graphic Designer. Nina

During your professional journey, which job or project has brought you the most satisfaction? Why?

I am a communication and graphic designer, and my work inspires me. What I love most about it is that I am constantly learning and growing every day.

As a designer, I understand that the essence of my work is to beautify what will eventually end up in the trash: metaphorically (becoming outdated over time) or literally (such as product packaging). Design aims to solve the client's or business's problem: to succeed, stand out, self-realize, believe in oneself, or tidy up visual communications... These are all short-term objectives.

Therefore, the greatest outcome of my work is actually me. My experience, my thoughts, and my worldview. I don't believe that successful logos are made by designers, a logo becomes successful when the business is successful.

Beauty won't save the world. Overall, I have no illusions about the significance of my profession, but I find satisfaction in the process. It's incredible how form, color, type, and composition can create an infinite number of images. How one detail can change everything. Despite the fact that so much has already been done, there will always be something new and unexpected. I never cease to admire the work of other designers... even though we are all just beautifying trash :)

Apart from your primary profession, do you have any hobbies or engage in other fields that complement your primary work? If yes, briefly describe them and explain how they enhance your overall work.

Apart from my primary profession, I enjoy photography, reading, and engaging in hands-on activities. All of these hobbies are connected to creativity, just like my work.

As someone who has experience in your profession, what suggestion would you give people who are considering whether to study or work in this field?

It's important to understand that this profession requires continuous learning and creativity. If you stop, you'll quickly lose your skills and qualifications.

Could you recommend one or a few independent educational resources available online in English that you find valuable for people looking to learn more about your profession?

YouTube, any online conferences and blogs:

Annual conference. Typographics is a design festival for people who use type.

One more forum.
“This channel features presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and other programming and information presented by ATypI.”

“ATypI, the Association Typographique Internationale, is the global forum and focal point for the type community and business.
Who are the members of ATypI? Everyone who matters in the type world. Type designers, type publishers, graphic and typographic designers, are all here.”


An encyclopedic treatment of type design, typefaces and fonts.

Nina Zhulanova, Russia, Tomsk.

The article deals with such areas of interest as:

  1. Communication and Graphic Designer
  2. Typeface design
  3. Photography
  4. Reading
  5. Engaging in hands-on activities

2023-05-21 15:20